vExpert VMTN

Coming December 19: CloudCred vExpert Badges

Coming December 19, 2016 to

Three vExpert Badges – vExpert Engagement 2017, vExpert Readiness 2017, & vExpert 2017.

Each CloudCred badge has a different goal, with the overall purpose of helping players move toward vExpert status.

Engagement: Tasks included within the vExpert Engagement badge require players to engage with vExperts & vExpert content in the community. Engagement can be achieved by consuming the resources of current vExperts, by becoming active on Twitter, by taking part of Forums, and by sharing your knowledge back to the community. Completing the vExpert Engagement badge means a player has a good overview and understanding of the vExpert program. He or she understands whether vExpert status is something he wants to pursue.

Readiness: Tasks included within the vExpert Readiness badge require players to produce technical content in line with what is required of vExperts, to assume leadership roles in line with what is required of vExperts, and to complete the current vExpert application. Once a player has completed these tasks, they are then ready to apply for vExpert.

  • Content Creation & contribution, in the form of blog posts, public speaking, forum posts, videos, books, podcasts, magazine articles and so on.
  • Leadership, including VMUG leadership.
  • Application, requiring a completed application for vExpert status.

Once a player has earned the vExpert Readiness badge, he or she should be ready to apply for vExpert.

vExpert 2017: This is a one-task badge, and cannot be completed and earned without vExpert status, awarded through the traditional application process. Once vExpert status is confirmed, the final CloudCred badge is awarded.

Look for these badge sets of tasks beginning Monday, December 19 at