
Technical Marketing Update 2012 – Week 37 – #tmupdate

It seems like these lists are getting longer and longer every week and also more challenging to create. I hope people use them and appreciate them, leave a comment (or retweet it / like it on FB) if you do so I get a sense about it.

White paper:

  • VMware vCloud Director 1.5 resource allocation models white paper – Frank Denneman
    Resource design for vCloud Director 1.5 involves examining requirements to determine how best to partition and organize resources. With the commoditization of infrastructure resources, the ability to scale them becomes increasingly important. When designing for vCloud Director, keep in mind that the ultimate consumers of the product are the end users of the system. Taking a top-down approach to vCloud Director design necessitates an understanding of the new abstractions introduced in the vCloud API and how they map to traditional VMware vSphere® objects. This paper was developed to provide additional insight and information as to how vCloud Director allocation models relate to vSphere resource management. The paper reviews and discusses various design considerations and operational procedures.

Blog posts:

Enjoy, Duncan.