VMware View

First Impressions of VDI with Wyse and Leo Stream

Andrew Dugdell of Dugie’s Pensieve checked out a VDI solution from Wyse, Leo Stream, and VMware. First Impressions of VDI with Wyse and Leo Stream:

  • You need some flavour of a VMware Server product with Virtual Center
  • You need the LeoStream Server Software (called the Connection Broker) to "Round Robin" the connections to available Desktop VMs, and to create new desktop VMs when the existing pool is full.
  • The connection broker setup was straight forward, done via a browser
  • There were a variety of options/policies for defining what VMs a user could connect to
  • Your WYSE terminals will naturally need to support VDI, so we used the S10-VDI

Once everything was together, it all just worked.  You powered up a thin client, connected to a workstation hosted within a VM, and could use and abuse the workstation as you saw fit.

I think that was everything?  I was pretty happy with everything I just saw.