New blogs: Blade Watch, Vitrix

New blogs in the truly globe-spanning Planet V12n:

Vincent Vlieghe’s Virtrix. Vincent works for the Belgian IT consulting company Xylos (as does fellow Planet V12n blogger Geert Baeke). Vincent has hands-on experience with VMware products, and his blog reflects that with practical tips and advice. Recent posts include:

Martin MacLeod’s Blade Watch. Martin is a UK-based consultant specializing in, you guessed it, blades, along with high-performance, grid, and of course virtualization. He’s got wise things to say about the business process side of the data center, and lately he’s been covering power savings as well. Recent entries:

Both of these blogs cover more than just virtualization (Virtrix also covers Citrix and other server-based/thin-client solutions, and Blade Watch has lots of blade info), so if you’re interested in the topics, go straight to the source and subscribe!