VMware Infrastructure 3

Assorted VMware Tools

Link: Assorted VMware Tools » blog.scottlowe.org.

Over the past few weeks, a number of VMware-related tools have been released.  All of these tools are third-party tools written by avid VMware fans or ISVs, and as far as I am aware all of these tools are available at no cost.

Scott lists:

  • VMX Extras
  • VCplus
  • Veam EsxDiag
  • VMware MKS Client

More on MKS client from Mike Laverick at RTFM Education:

This tool prompts you for you VC username and password – and lists
in the menu the VMs you have rights to. All it does it allow to open a
“Remote Console” session on the VM and login, and interact with it.

I just installed it on my laptop and it worked straight away – which
is good sign. Its a pretty cute tool, which might make me move away
from using RDP to manage my Windows VMs.

[Update: via VMblog, a new release of ESXguide’s ESX Manager 2.1:

Virtual Center independent
Keeps track of Virtual Machine Host Registration, Migrations and Status
Manage Virtual Machine Configuration

Display and work in the Virtual Machine Console
Kill Virtual Machine Process (if the VM can’t be powered off)
Rename Virtual Disks of registered Virtual Machines
Move Virtual Disks and keep the disk attached to the Virtual Machine

Virtual Machine Registration, Start , Restart , Reset, Power Off, Suspend
Extend Virtual Disks

View-Search-Filter Logfiles on the ESX Host.
Define and save custom SSH commands with Parameter handling
Publish and share custom SSH commands with other ESX Administrators

Enjoy. -jmt]