
VMworld Europe 2008 – Open for registration

Link: www.run-virtual.com » Blog Archive » VMworld Europe 2008 – Open for registration.

February 26st, 2008 is the first VMworld Europe in Cannes, France.
We are very busy with all the preparations for this event, making sure
we can deliver good quality sessions, have a great representation of
the Virtualization Industry at the event, etc.

Well today is the opening of the VMworld Europe website (www.vmworld.com/europe) and the opening of the registration for the event.

will have seats for 3.000 actual attendees, the building will not
really allow for much more, so there is a very high change we will sell
out completely, so if you want to attend, register as soon as possible. …

Europe will have around 90 unique sessions covering all segments of the
virtualization (x86) industry. We have chosen for a bit less sessions
then the previous VMworld event in San Francisco (250 sessions) as we
will have all sessions repeated at least 2 times. There will be no
pre-registration for the sessions you want to attend, all sessions will
work on a first-come, first-serve basis, but with the repeats of
sessions, you should easily be able to see most (if not all) of the
session you are interested in.

Besides sessions, there will
of course also be hands-on labs, where you can get hands-on experience
with some of the virtualization products/components.