VMware Infrastructure 3

Top Tips for Deploying VI | VI Team Blog

Link: VMware: VI Team Blog: Top Tips for Deploying VI.

The following “top tips” highlight some issues that can arise in a
VI deployment. They cover things which are sometimes hard to diagnose,
or which might result in a problem weeks or months after some seemingly
innocuous action. It is meant to shed some insight on “latent” issues,
that is, those which don’t result in immediate warnings or errors when
the root cause event occurs. These have been collected from customer
experience gathered over time by the VI team, and will be posted in two
parts.  We welcome your comments on these and any other “gotchas” that
you might have encountered.

Make sure DNS is fully configured. Don’t use Virtual SMP for applications which don’t need it. Make sure you monitor the "% ready" metric. Watch your snapshot space growth. Make sure the SQL Server Agent is up and running on the VirtualCenter DB. Team your management NICs if using VMware High Availability (VMware HA).