
Site Recover Manager: Communities Roundtable #14

Today the topic was SRM and our guest was Jon Bock. If you’ve wondered what SRM does, what components it’s actually made up of, what you might use it for, and how to operationalize your DR plan, then check us out this week.

Due to popular demand, I ran the audio file through the magic Levelator, so now you can safely listen to it on headphones without blowing your eardrums out. I’ve also put in some hopefully useful information in the mp3 metadata fields.

As always, listen by clicking over there on the right or by downloading the mp3 (47:05). Feeds: podcast, iTunes.



[Update: Jon also recommends the new book from VMware as a useful reference for more information on disaster recovery in general: A Practical Guide to Business Continuity & Disaster Recovery with VMware Infrastructure.]