
Thinapp for VI admins – Communities Roundtable #15 podcast

Today on the Roundtable, our guest was Travis Sales to talk about VMware Thinapp. The Roundtable crew are all experienced VI admins (and user moderators on the VMware Communities), so they know their way around ESX and VC, but nobody on the call today had used Thinapp. So this was a good opportunity to cut through straight to the technology ask Travis how we should be approaching application virtualization.

As always, listen by clicking on the right or by downloading the (compressed & normalized & ID3) mp3. (1:03).

  • Most interesting factoid: Thinstall got their start putting games into a ‘virtual bubble’ to prevent piracy.
  • Most unsurprising answer: Best practices for deploying Thinapp-packaged applications? It depends.
  • Site I didn’t know existed: Thindownload

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Next week, we are having our first ever call-in "Ask the Experts" show. You can join us live on the call, on the chat, or send in your question via email or private message in the Communities. More info in a bit, but mark off on your calendar next Wednesday, September 3, at a new time: Noon Pacific/ 3pm Eastern  / 8pm British.  We also plan to do at least one live show at VMworld.