The winners of the VI Toolkit Scripting Contest

Link: VMware: VI Toolkit (for Windows): Announcing the winners of the VI Toolkit Scripting Contest!.

Thanks to everyone for you hard work and contributions to our VI Toolkit Scripting contest.

Now the time has come to announce our winners!

First Prize: Our first prize, a trip to VMworld, goes to LucD for his script, which is a really cool Guest Provisioning System.


I really like Luc’s application
because it very easily lets you clone lots of VMs, while giving you
control over a lot of the parameters that are frustratingly manual when
you try to do them with other VMware tools. Not only that, but you can
queue up tens or even hundreds of clone jobs and run them all with the
press of a button. This is especially useful since cloning VMs can take
a really long time.

Not only that, but as you can see above, this is not just some
script meant to be run on a grainy old CRT terminal, it’s a full
fledged UI. Speaking of its really cool UI, Bruce Payette, one of the
key designers of PowerShell and author of the book PowerShell in
Action, had this to say about it: "This is exactly the kind of
application we were thinking about when we made PowerShell able to work
with WinForms."

Those of us who follow the VI Toolkit for Windows community know Luc
quite well, as he has contributed countless great scripts and has
really made a difference to a lot of people. So again, congratulations
to Luc and we hope to see you in Vegas!