
We partied like race car drivers

Get up and jump around at #vmworld party #todd on TwitPic

photo by Todd Muirhead at Dell via twitpic

From Ryan.  VMworld 2008 Attendee Party a Racing Good Time | VMHero. Check out his pic with the speedometer at 132mph.

One of the marks of these types of conferences is the attendee party.
VMware truly went over the top on their attendee party this year. held
at the Las Vegas Motor Speedway.  The event was what I like to call a
“3-ring circus” event with about 600 things going on at once.  However,
it provided something for everyone, from video games, to classic cars,
to live music, to 140 MPH car rides around the track (definitely the

Eric has the video proof, as usual.

VMworld Party Las Vegas Motor Speedway Video from Eric Sloof NTPRO.NL on Vimeo.

And JMWolf has this one on YouTube: