
VMworld Live podcasts

We had a podcasting setup on the Solutions Exchange floor at the Bloggers and Community Lounge. It took us a day to get set up, but after we did I had several groups of community members drop by and give their two virtual cents on the show.

Now, although we had professional equipment, the gear is only as good as the operator, and that, unfortunately, was me. In general, the sound quality ranges from horrible to mediocre, all with this horrible warbling in the background, but improves slightly towards the end of the series.

VMworld Live Page | Feeds: podcast, iTunes

  • I have to apologize to Michael Keen and Theron Conrey because I lost this first podcast.
  • Tuesday 5:00pm – Beaver, Cline, McCarty, Hughes, Haletky – VI4, Cisco, distributed virtual switch host profiles, VDC-OS, meeting people at the show, BoFs and lounges – 7:51 duration

  • Wednesday 1:00pm – Siebert, Boche, Haletky, Howarth – a wide ranging session – VMTN Expert Session, VMworld rocks, geeking out for a week, too many vWords, distributed virtual switch & Cisco Nexus 1000V, VDC-OS vision backed by real features, FT, features becoming APIs, vCenter as a Linux appliance, Distributed vSwitch, host profiles, Googley VM-focused management tools like Hyper9, VMware Ready and vCenter – 20:04 duration

  • Wednesday – 2:30pm – Hicks, McCarty, Beaver – smooth conference, VC on Linux and authentication, Sessions on Intel & NetQueue, Automation, VDC-OS vs desktop OS, Hyper9, Vizioncore, Cisco and the future of networking plug-ins – 13:07 duration

  • Wednesday – 2:45pm – Kutz & Foran – the Cisco Nexus 1000V and the new relationship with the networking team; just off judging the SearchServerVirtualization Best of VMworld contest, Andrew and Joe have a no-holds-barred discussion of the state of the virtualization ecosystem – "If you’ve got a product that’s vapor, don’t market it as cloud" – 18:03 duration

  • Wednesday – 3:15pm – David Davis  – training, startups and vendors at the conference, Paul Maritz as technologist, VDC-OS hands-on lab – 10:14 duration

  • Thursday – 11:30am – Scott Lowe – product announcements vs vision & frameworks, Fault Tolerance, vendors at the Solutions Exchange, VDC-OS and building a cloud, innovation – 13:04 duration

Coming this Wednesday – talk about VMworld at VMware Communities Roundtable #18

What: VMware Communities Roundtable #18
Topic: VMworld recap
When: Wednesday, Sept 24
Noon Pacific / 3pm Eastern / 8pm British
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