
Two top 10 lists for you*: PowerShell scripts, Security resources

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Top 10 lists are win-win. They're often easier to write than, say, a big essay or technical investigation. And they're easy to consume, because most of us don't have the time to read, say, a big essay or technical investigation.

Now both Eric Siebert and Edward Haletky are by no means slackers, but in between working on their new books, they've both produced a new top ten list for you.

Top 10 PowerShell scripts that VMware administrators should use  by Eric Siebert at Virtual Strategy. (Eric's home for all his lists is VMware-land.) Note that some of these scripts came from the PowerShell scripting contest and can be found at the http://communities.vmware.com/community/developer/utilitiesVMware Developer Community Sample Code repository.

Top VMware security links by Edward Haletky at Virtualization Pro. (Edward's home for all his good stuff, including the Virtualization Bookshelf, is the AstroArch Wiki.) Edward also recommends the Top 100 Virtualization Security Questions from VI:OPS.

*And a bonus resource. Since we're here and talking about reference material, Rod Haywood has also updated his very handy huge list of all VMware technical paper abstracts. Go check out his whole blog if you haven't yet — a lot of very smart and deep, yet very practical, thinking about VDI and Cloud topics.