VMware Fusion

VMware Fusion now #1 in retail sales; most loved software at Amazon

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The VMware Fusion team just wrapped up another successful Macworld. I'm sure Pete and Pat will tell us all about it at the Team Fusion blog shortly, but here are just a few recent news items on the state of the virtualization on Mac and Windows on Mac world.

First of all, we're excited to report that NPD ("the leading global provider of consumer and retail market research information") is reporting that VMware Fusion is the #1 selling virtualization software for the Mac, and in October we were at 59% of the market to Parallels 39%, and we were at 53% for the year. Link:
Macworld.Ars: VMware Fusion takes #1 retail spot in 2008

Kazanjy and group product manager Pat Lee emphasized that Fusion
basically went from a zero percent market share in August of 2007 to 53
percent a little over a year later. "We think the market is coming of
age right now," Kazanjy told us. "Though positive reviews from big
sites and pundits are still helping us out, positive user reviews are
what's taking us to the next level. People really like what they're

I'll vouch for the customers speaking for themselves. Over and over on Twitter, I see people asking for advice on which to buy, and the overwhelming advice is to buy Fusion.

Another award I was particularly impressed by was that VMware Fusion was determined to be the #1 most loved software product on Amazon. You can't buy or give away stuff for that kind of rating. Of course, Fusion also got a second consecutive Macworld Editor's Choice Award (Eddy), which ain't too shabby either.

For more on the Fusion state of the union, check out Pat Lee's post from last week: VMware: Team Fusion: As we prepare for Macworld Expo 2009, a look back at 2008….

was an amazing success for the VMware Fusion team thanks to your
support. We can't thank the Mac community enough for how you have
embraced VMware Fusion to date and we look forward to making 2009 an
even better year for Mac users running Windows and other operating
systems on their Mac.

And I'm not only blogging about it, I'm a customer too. I use Fusion every day to run Windows on my Mac and it's rock solid and doesn't make my MacBook Pro sweat at all.  Find out more about VMware Fusion today.

(And don't tell the product team I told you this, but even though you
just missed the competitive rebate, there are lots of deals and coupon
codes out there to pick up a good deal — just look around. And there is also the 30-day eval to get you started right now. So there's really no excuse if you've been thinking about trying VMware Fusion!)