
Top 5 Planet V12n blog posts week 17

Another week, another top 5. This week was the week that vSphere was officially announced. Of course all blogs reported on this, some with 1 or 2 posts and others literally flooded my RSS Reader. Although it wasn't easy I managed to create a top 5 articles of this week again. Here we go:

  • Massimo Re Ferre' – Xeon 5500 (aka Nehalem) Marks the Death of Itanium (and More)
    The last day of March 2009 Intel officially unveiled its brand new Nehalem core architecture under the Xeon 5500 product name umbrella. There is not much to say about it other than it's impressive from a performance perspective. Just to give you a sense of what we are talking about the new product – only available for 2-socket servers today and with up to 4 cores per socket – has published many benchmark numbers that are either on par or slightly better than 4-socket Intel based servers with up to as many as 24 cores.
  • Rawlinson Rivera – New Virtual Machine Data Recovery Solution
    The VMware Data Recovery is an Agent-less disk based backup and recovery solution that can perform virtual machine or file level restores of Windows or Linux guess OS’s. It performs incremental backups plus data de-duplication and compression to save disk space. Data Recovery supports any disks that are accessible by the Data Recovery appliance. The disks could be in a VMFS volume or on shared disks such as NFS, DAS, iSCSI, Fiber, SMB\CIFS Shares.
  • Chris Wolf – VMware Launches the V Series Mainframe
    VMware is taking mainframe-class availability, performance, and infrastructure management principles and bringing them to commodity hardware. vSphere 4.0’s release, in my opinion, makes it hard to argue against VMware’s intentions of a software mainframe. VMware Fault Tolerance (FT), for example, is one of the new features that provides the availability levels required by many tier 1 applications. This is especially critical for home grown tier 1 apps that do not have built-in resiliency
  • Eric Siebers – Licensing details from the vSphere launch event
    Yesterday’s much-anticipated vSphere launch was a great launch that
    went off without any technical difficulties and was exactly what VMware
    needed to do to build hype and excitement for vSphere. Many were
    disappointed to find out that vSphere is not actually being released
    yet, but it’s not that far off. It is officially GA now and will be
    available to customers sometime in the next two months. The new
    features and functionality of vSphere have been known about for quite a
    while now, so while there were no surprises there new information was
    released about editions, licensing and pricing.
  • Yellow-Bricks.com – vSphere Linkage / VMware-land.com – vSphere links
    Both Eric Siebert(VMware-land.com) and Duncan Epping(Yellow-Bricks.com , yes that's me.) created extensive link lists of the vSphere launch including links to podcasts, blog coverage and much more.