
Top 5 Planet V12n blog posts week 23

Another week another top 5… No long introduction this time, cause I need to get going and do some "real" work. Enjoy:

  • Scott Lowe – vSphere Virtual Machine Upgrade Process
    VMware vSphere introduces a new hardware version (version 7), and
    vSphere also introduces a new paravirtualized network driver (VMXNET3)
    as well as a new paravirtualized SCSI driver (PVSCSI). To take
    advantage of these new drivers as well as other new features, you’ll
    need to upgrade your virtual machines. This process I describe below
    works really well.
  • Duncan Epping – That's why I love blogging
    As a consultant I get a lot of question on vmfs locking and I assumed,
    with the current understanding I had, that a larger blocksize would be
    beneficial in terms of performance. I’m no scientist or developer and I
    rely on the information I find on the internet, manuals, course
    material and the occasional internal mailinglists… In this case this
    information wasn’t correct, or better said not updated yet to the
    changes that vSphere introduced. Luckily for me, and you guys, one of
    my colleagues jumped in to give us some good insights…
  • Steve Kaplan – Don’t Believe Any Numbers You Don’t Make up Yourself
    McDonald's founder Ray Kroc liked to claim, "We take the hamburger more
    seriously than anyone else". VMware could say the same thing about
    virtualization. Every page of its Web site educates viewers on
    different aspects of virtualization, but the term is not even mentioned
    on Microsoft's home page. Navigating to Microsoft's virtualization
    section reveals the biggest emphasis to be on price comparisons between
    Microsoft and VMware. Videos, white papers, blogs, case studies, analyst quotes and even Microsoft's ROI calculator tool underline the cost competition with VMware
  • Christoph Dommermuth – How to use Novell with VMware View
    Since VMware View does only support Microsoft Active Directory Service
    as directory service, Novell eDirectory users need another way to get
    their environment working with the VMware virtual desktop
    infrastructure. First of all you will definitely need an Active
    Directory to integrate the View Manager with so that the users can
    logon and get authenticated. To get the users from the eDirectory in
    sync with the Active Directory you should use the standard Novell
  • Eric Siebert – Select VMworld sessions released for general public
    About 2 months ago, John Troyer asked me for recommendations for 10 or so of some of the VMworld 2008 & VMworld Europe 2009 sessions to be released for free to non-attendees. It was hard picking just 10 and I ended up with about 30 of the ones I thought people would enjoy the most. Well it took a while but they just announced that they are now available for free and it’s almost the exact session list that I picked out back then. So head on over to the VMworld website and check them out, there is some great content there. You do need to have a  VMworld account to view these sessions, if you don’t already have one you can get one by registering for free.