
Top 5 Planet V12N blog posts for week 12

This is the first time I have ever used my laptop from the gym, but I wanted to get the top 5 posts up before I get sucked into a busy weekend that’s sitting in front of me.  Enjoy the weekend…

Christian Mohn – Installing and configuring VMware vCenter Operations – VMware vCenter Operations was released to the general public a week or so ago and is available for download right now. As usual you can download a 60 day trial, and get started immediately.  Like other recent management utilities from VMware, vCenter Operations comes in the form of a .OVF template (like vCMA/vMA).

Duncan Epping – ESXi Management Network Resiliency – When we wrote the HA/DRS book both Frank and I were still very much in an “ESX Classic” mindset. Over the last weeks I had questions around resilient network configurations for ESXi. I referred people back to the book but the comments that I got were that the examples were very much ESX Classic instead of ESXi. Now in my opinion the configuration looks very much the same except that “Service Console” will need to be replace with “Management Network” but I figured I might as well just document my preference for a resilient ESXi Management Network as I needed to do it anyway as part of an update of the book to a future version of vSphere.

Christopher Wells – Real Life DR & BC, with VMware SRM – Well, I am back from a little excursion outside of Tokyo to recharge and get temporarily away from the reality of the situation at the nuclear reactors up North in Fukushima.  What better time than now to post an article about Disaster Recovery and Business Contiuity using VMware’s Site Recovery Manager product.

Christoph Dommermuth – Virtualizing SAPGUI with ThinApp now officially supported -  Deploying the SAPGUI can be very time consuming in a large enterprise environment. It can even be worse if you’re using physical desktops, virtual desktops and terminal services because you may need to deploy it to different operating systems, what means that you have to package it several times.

Kyle Gleed – Under the Covers with Storage vMotion – I recently posted on how vMotion works and figured it would be good to follow-up with a similar blog covering Storage vMotion (svMotion).  Many people think svMotion is new, but the ability to migrate a running VMs disk files to a new datastore (DS) was first introduced in VI 3.0 as an upgrade tool to help with VMFS upgrades.  In VI 3.5 it was officially given the name Storage vMotion, but only had CLI support. GUI support was finally added in 4.0 and with 4.1 there were several performance improvements.