
vExpert 2011 Information Form

Please fill out this form to be considered for the vExpert 2011 Program. Forms are due by midnight PST Friday, May 6, 2011. After you fill out the form, an email will be sent to you with a link that will allow you to update your information before the deadline.

For more information on the vExpert 2011 Program, see http://bit.ly/vExpert2011.
To contact the program team, email [email protected]

Thanks for all your support.

The VMware vExpert Program Team

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  • vExpert 2011 Information

    Please complete the form below to be considered for the VMware vExpert 2011 program

  • About You

  • Activities in 2010

  • 1. Blogging

    In the box below, list your primary blogs, their URLs, your role (owner or contributor), and number of posts in 2010. List up to three blog post URLs that you think exemplify your work, and anything else we should know about your blogging activities in 2010.

  • 2. Other writing 

    In the box below, list any books, white papers, freelance articles, or newsletter you wrote in 2010. Include (and indicate) any editing roles. List up to three URLs that you think exemplify your work, and anything else we should know about your writing activities in 2010.

  • 3. Multimedia

    In the box below, list any videos or podcasts you created in 2010, and your role in creating them. List up to three URLs that you think exemplify your work, and anything else we should know about your multimedia activities in 2010.

  • 4. Events & Speaking

    In the box below, list any events you’ve been involved with, your role (primary organizer, on the organizing team, track lead, panel moderator, speaker, etc.), approximate attendence, topics, and URLs if available. Please include anything else you think we should know about your event and speaking activities in 2010.

  • 5. Online communities

    In the box below, list any online IT communities, forums, or Q&A sites you participated in, either at VMware or elsewhere, including URLs. If you have any indication of activity, such as status levels, points, or badges, list those. Please include anything else you think we should know about your online community activities in 2010.

  • 6. Tools and Resources

    In the box below, list any online tools, utilities, resources, directories, or repositories you helped create for the community, with URLs. These should be either non-commercial or available without cost to users. If a team effort, include your role in creating them. Please include anything else you think we should know about your tool and resource creation in 2010.

  • 7. VMware Programs

    In the box below, list any VMware programs you participated in, such as VMUG leadership, advisory boards, reference programs, or customer councils; and your role in these programs. Please include anything else you think we should know about your VMware program participation in 2010.

  • Above and Beyond

    The vExpert award is for people who demonstrate passion and energy beyond what is normally expected in a job role. In what ways did you go above and beyond your day job to evangelize VMware and virtualization in 2010? 

  • A reference is optional; not including a reference does not penalize your consideration as a vExpert. A reference is recommended only if your activities were primarily not in English; or if they aren’t easily available at a public URL; or if they fall outside the information gathered here. Include a short note and the email of a person at VMware who can act as a reference about your activities in 2010. 

  • Should be Empty:

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