
Top 5 Planet V12N blog posts for week 15

Michael Poore – Trying vCenter CapacityIQ – Previously I have posted about trying out vCenter Operations. Now the trial, assuming that you went down that route, is actually for vCenter Operations Advanced version. This includes vCenter CapacityIQ. It would be remiss of me not to talk about that too so here goes.  I’m going to assume that CapacityIQ has already been downloaded. After all, you signed up for the vCenter Operations trial didn’t you?

Eric Sloof – Video – Getting Started With VMware Cloud Foundry – Getting Started with Cloud Foundry provides information about installing and starting VMware Cloud Foundry, the VMware Application Platform as a Service (PaaS) solution. This video is intended for anyone who wants to install, configure, and use VMware Cloud Foundry.

Vladan Seget – How to build a low cost NAS for VMware Lab – introduction – During the past several days/weeks I’ve been thinking of upgrading my home lab. It’s something that can be costly, especially when you start from zero. I started last year with one multi usage box running VMware Workstation and running ESXi as a VM, with adding some SSD drives to it for speeding up, but already in that time I had in my mind the necessary evolution. Mainly because running nested VMs from within VMware Workstation is great way to start, but the speed is just isn’t there. And also you can run only 32bit nested VMs.

Andre Leibovici – How to read Linked Clone Storage Provisioning metrics in vCenter – Understanding storage resource utilisation by a virtual machine in vCenter Client is not difficult, especially when Thick Provisioning is in use. When the virtual machine is using Thick Provisioning all three metrics (Provisioned Storage, Not-Shared Storage and Used Storage) show exactly the same numbers.

Chris Wolf – Is VMware a Provider or Enabler? – Today VMware announced the launch of Cloud Foundry – a cloud service that makes it easy for developers to get started with VMware’s Open Platform-as-a-Service (Open PaaS) offerings. VMware CTO Steve Herrod offered good insight into VMware’s plans for Cloud Foundry in this post. In case you missed it, last week Steve Herrod blogged about VMware taking over operations for EMC’s Mozy cloud-based data protection service.