
Top 5 Planet V12N blog posts for week 22

Sorry I missed last weeks post, it was bit hectic for me with the holiday weekend and re-loading my laptop and a few hundred other things going on.  Let’s get back on-track here…

Big announcement from VMware again this past week as we finalized the acquisition of Socialcast.  Check out Dr. Herrod’s blog post on the big announcement here.  I have been using socailcast for the past few weeks and I must say I am very impressed (as a social media junkie).  This extends VMware’s strategic investment in the end user compute space, and I think will be great service for many organizations.

Here are the top 5 posts for the week, enjoy!

Maish Saidel-Keesing – Storage vMotion – A Deep-Dive – Of all the features available with vSphere – one of the greatest features I like is Storage vMotion, which is described by VMware as follows.  In simple terms, vMotion allows you to move your VM from one host to another, Storage vMotion allows you to move your VM’s between different Storage arrays / LUNS that presented to you ESX Host. All without downtime (ok, one or two pings.. ).

Eric Gray – The Secret of Ephemeral Port Groups – VMware vSphere networking is available in two variations — Standard vSwitch and Distributed Switch (vDS) — that accommodate a wide range of requirements for any environment. Standard switches are simple to set up and understand, but the effort to manage them scales along with the number of ESXi hosts managed. While that management can certainly be automated, e.g., through PowerCLI, there are advantages to the centrally-configured Distributed Switch.

Eiad Al-Aqqad – Optimize Your VMware Capacity Planning Report – I have noticed many partners lately complaining about their Capacity Planning report having below expected VM per server Density, & has normally been granted access to their Capacity Planning Project to optimize the report. I have decided I will share the info on here on which parameters to change in order to get a decent VM per Server Density in your CP report. Although I have been using these numbers successfully During my job for a while, and I know that many of my colleagues are following the same I provide no explicit/implicit guarantee of the results nor my employer.

Eric Sloof – Video – How to move your VMs to BlueLock’s vCloud Datacenter – Deploying a new VM in the vCloud is very easy. Just go to your Catalog, select one of your vApps Templates and choose “Add to My Cloud”. But what if you want to move an existing virtual machine from your local vCenter server or private vCloud to BleuLock’s vCloud Datacenter? It’s also very easy. Launch the vCloud Connector from your vSphere client and move your existing virtual machines wherever you want.

Jase McCarty – vSphere Home Lab – What type of hosts? – A lab environment is a very effective tool to keep up with technology, without having to worry about messing something up in a production environment. Several of the places I have worked have development/test/demo environments setup for the purpose of exactly that, development/test/demo work. I really couldn’t imagine testing new code, application or OS updates, or “what if” type scenarios in a production environment. But those environments weren’t really “lab” environments.