
Top 5 Planet V12N blog posts for week 44

A lot of my customers are starting to either deploy vSphere 5 and/or starting to look at upgrading or testing this new version in their labs.  Don’t forget about all of the great resources that are available to you as you begin your journey.  Undeniably, VMware has the best technology social media outlet that you can tap into.  From twitter, to blog posts, to the VMTN forums, there are many resources that you can go to for assistance.  If your new to the social media circus, have no fear!  You will find that most people are willing to help out, as it will benefit not only you, but probably someone else down the road.  When in doubt, please engage our GSS team (Global Support Services).  There is a reason your paying for maintenance right?  Happy Hunting!

On with the top 5, some really great posts this week!

Nick WeaverStraighten up with a new UBER tool : Presenting UBERAlign – The idea of creating this came from the lack of a decent free alignment tool out there for VMware admins. Most every other one at there was either something you had to purchase or you had to be a customer of the vender to get access to it. And even after getting access these tools were either (in my opinion) limited in what they did, how they did it, or had become obsolete in a console-less vSphere 5 architecture.

Alan RenoufvSphere Distributed Switch PowerCLI cmdlets – For a long time now when presenting at VMworld or VMUGS I have asked the question – What would you like to see from PowerCLI next ?  The standard answer I get at most of these is vSphere Distributed Switch (VDS) cmdlets!  What’s new ?  VMware have now released some PowerCLI cmdlets as a fling which work with VDS and allow you to do most of the common VDS tasks in your vSphere environment

Andre Leibovici – Printing Architectures for VDI – Part 2 – Some articles get stuck and never get published. I wrote this one a while back and for different reasons the publishing was delayed. However, while reviewing some of the new features in VMware View 5.0 I noticed that the Location Based Printing feature has been extended.

Hany Michael – Double-Diagram: vCloud Director Management Pod in the Public & Private Clouds! – Those two diagrams have been sitting in my PC for ages and I thought it’s time for them to see the light. As a perfectionist by nature I think that they are probably the worst diagrams I’ve designed to date! The reason being is that I am probably missing way too many items and services. It’s a quite rich topic when it comes to the management and monitoring of the cloud (be it public or private) and to top that, VMware is coming out with something new every day that is revolutionary and game changing.

Tommy TrodenHow to setup your first Desktop Pool in VMware View 5 – From a high level, the way you deploy Virtual Desktops to end users is via “Pools”.  You create a pool of Desktops and then you “Entitle” the users to the pool and this gives them the necessary privileges to access it.  In order to grant access to a desktop you first need to have a desktop created in vCenter.