Volunteer community moderators are at the center of VMTN forums, helping new members find the right communities to ask their questions, making sure that the tone of our discusson threads is always professional and polite, and of course answering those tricky technical questions.
The team of moderators gets elected every six months, and if you know someone (maybe yourself?) who would make a good addition to this very active group, just drop me a line and we'll add your name to the ballot. Anyone with a status level of “Expert” or higher (751+ reward points) can participate. The election period is open until November 30th, but nominations will not be accepted after the 28th of the month, to allow the current moderator team a chance to review and comment.
How do elections work? Quite simple: every candidate is discussed in the private VMTN moderator forum, and if nobody vetoes them, they're in.
Notifications to newly-elected moderators will go out on December 1.