
A week in virtualization

Yesterday, SlideRocket has announced that it now works with Google Drive to help people create, collaborate and share stunning, media-rich presentations from their Google Drive. Google Drive users now have direct access to all SlideRocket features and applications. They can easily share presentations with other Google Drive users and any audience at any time.

Google Drive users can initiate presentation creation with SlideRocket through Google Drive and are automatically provisioned to use SlideRocket whenever they are invited to collaborate on a presentation. From within a SlideRocket presentation, users can collaborate with Google Drive users and manage presentations and applications from a single location to access documents and materials—presentations, spreadsheets, PDFs, photos, videos and presentation resources on the web.

If you use Google Chrome, you can install SlideRocket directly from the Chrome Web Store. You can learn more about this new integration on SlideRocket blog.

As you know, My VMware service has launched on the 14th, and we’ve had a successful first week with customers across the globe logging in and using all functionalities of the site, including downloading products and evaluations, submitting Support Requests, generating license keys, creating folders and more. Early in the week, customers experienced some issues with access and stability of the environment due to high-volume traffic. We have resolved these issues and are committed to providing an exceptional experience.

Please join My VMware team for an upcoming webinar training series to learn about the new features and functionalities of My VMware. The webinar series will help customers understand the basics of logging in and navigating the site, account management, managing license keys and Support Requests, and downloading and evaluating products. The first session was today, but there are many more dates available. Visit vmware.com/my_vmware/webinars.html to see the schedule and to register.

The input from customers is helping us target specific areas of concern and guiding our improvement roadmap. Follow the customer support team on Twitter @vmwarecares for updates and helpful links, and continue to send us feedback!

The End-User Computing Virtual Conference is going to take place in a couple of weeks on May the 3rd. It is free to attend for anyone who registers in advance. This virtual conference will provide you with an opportunity to:

  • Attend a keynote from the VMware leadership team
  • Learn about the latest innovations in the VMware End-User Computing portfolio
  • Chat with VMware End-User Computing product experts
  • Network with peers 

Visit the End-User Computing blog for more details and the link to register: blogs.vmware.com/euc

Finally, there will be six full-day VMUG conferences happening in May: Connecticut, Carolinas, Central Ohio, San Diego, Western Pennsylvania, and Denver. Go to myvmug.com to find a VMUG conference near you and to register.