
vExpert Spotlight: Cedric Megroz

CedricMegrozName: Cedric Megroz

Blog URL: www.virtualgeek.ch

Twitter handle: cmegroz

VMware community account: cmegroz


Current employer: My current employer is LANexpert a Swiss Company leader in virtualization, storage and system.

We won the EMC Switzerland Award 2010 & 2011 and we are the Premier Solution Provider for VMware in Switzerland.

How did you get into IT?

Telecommunications in the broadest sense has always fascinated me. I started in my teenage years with the CB (Citizen Band), then in the Swiss army working with very old and incredible teleprinters and punch paper tapes. In the late 90's, I decided to recycle myself and got into IT by doing a Swiss Federal IT degree and started a new life with surrounded by so much technology.

How did you get into working with VMware and becoming a 2012 vExpert?

My first experience with ESX was during a course in 2006 on version 2.5. I was pretty happy to find the service console as a known environment because I had worked for a few years with a Red Had server.

It was not difficult to understand the power and flexibility offered by virtualization and I immediately wanted to specialize in it. I did this and passed my first VCP. In 2009, I passed the certification as an Instructor (VCI) which gave me the urge to share my knowledge and I began to write articles, from 2011, in French on the blog VirtualGeekCH. It's these articles on this blog that gained me the vExpert 2012 title.

What would you tell someone who wanted to get a job like yours to do?

Be passionate Be passionate Be passionate
read read read
exchange exchange exchange.

I am lucky to have colleagues with expertise in a lot of domains