
Technical Marketing Update 2012 – Week 26 – #tmupdate

By Duncan Epping, Principal Architect.

It is a very short list this week due to the holiday season that started. I am also enjoying my holiday but managed to sneak out of the “holiday mode” for a second and figured I would still share these 4 posts with you. I am hoping the list will be a bit longer next week…

Blog posts: 

  • Answering some admission control questions (Duncan Epping) http://bit.ly/MRyIoE
  • Cool Fling: Reclaiming deadspace from a thin provisioned guest disk (Duncan Epping) http://bit.ly/LVbnW0
  • vCenter Service Status – vSphere Replication Management Red Alert (Ken Werneburg) http://bit.ly/R4MqG3
  • vShield 5 App Deep Dive Series Part 1: Deployment options for vShield Manager with vCenter Server (Grant Suzuki) http://bit.ly/RxBWPN

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