vExpert VMTN VMware

vExpert 2017 Second Half Announcement

Thank you to everyone who applied for vExpert. I’m pleased to announce the list of 2017 Second Half vExperts. Each of these vExperts have demonstrated significant contributions to the community and a willingness to share their expertise with others. Contributing is not always blogging or Twitter as there are many public speakers, book authors, script writers, VMUG leaders, VMTN community moderators and internal champions among this group.

I want to personally thank everyone who applied and point out that a “vExpert” is not a technical certification or even a general measure of VMware expertise. The judges selected people who were particularly engaged with their community and who had developed a substantial personal platform of influence in those communities. If you feel like you were not selected in error, that’s entirely possible.

The judges may have overlooked or misinterpreted what you wrote in your application. Email us at and we can discuss your situation. We looked at all of the 2015 and some of 2016 activities to determine the voting results.

If you were selected as a vExpert 2017 Second Half, we will be conducting on-boarding this week. You should now have the welcome email in your inbox which will explain the entire program and what you need to do to be enrolled in our private vExpert community as well as listed in the vExpert directory. We will use the email address provided in your vExpert application. We will extend the vExpert Reception invite to you for both VMworld US in Las Vegas as well as VMworld Europe in Barcelona. Congratulations to all the vExperts, new and returning.

We’re looking forward to working with you. Command + F away and find your name if you can’t wait for the welcome email.

Corey Romero, and the VMware Social Media & Community Team

Note: The list below are the newly added vExperts only. This is not the complete vExpert list.

First Name Last Name Twitter
Max Abelardo @mabelard
Charles Adams @whitehattechs
belal adel
Hammad Alam @vcdx248
Muhammed Ali muhammedali275
Aidan Thomson thebigbluebin
Mehmet AYDIN diaboliksword
Adrian Begg @AdrianBegg
Uma sanker Panda @UmaPanda81
Preben Berg @poulpreben
Rob Bishop @rob_a_b
Christiaan Brinkhoff @Brinkhoff_C
Yamato Sakai
Hans Kraaijeveld @hanskraaijeveld
Joseph Roy Barker
JOHN DE ARAUJO @johncostaaraujo
Gilad Broun @giladbrown
Douglas Brown @douglasabrown
Brian Bunke @brianbunke
Saurabh Chandratre SC_vNextGen
Luis Chanu @LuisChanu
Todd D’Amore
Noel Lacayo @noel_lacayo
Saadallah Chebaro @s_chebaro
Jack Cherkas @jackcherkas
Chris Colotti @CColotti
Manuel Serrano de Haro
Alex Schenck
Celia Cristaldo Cantero @celiacri
Barry Schiffer @barryschiffer
Rhian Cross @rhiancohen
David Davis @DavidMDavis
Ivan de Mes @ivandemes
Prabhu Barathi @prabhu_b
Mike Dent @mikedent13
Dillon Doxey VCDX229
Pawel Drazkowski @_Drazkowski
Hamza El Fajjaj
Jad El-Zein @virtualjad
Peter Flecha @vPedroArrow
Mike Gelhar @mikegelhar
Andrew Gerrie aegerrie
Matthieu GIOIA @notmg
Joao Grade @j_grade
William Grismore @grizzamore
Brett Guarino @Brett_Guarino
John Hague @jhague10
Jeremy Hall VMjhall
Rhys Hammond @HammondRhys
Faisal Hasan @FaisalHasan80
Derek Hennessy @derekhennessy
Jorge Luis Hernandez @swatcat666
Jose Manuel Hernandez Benitez jos3mhb
Joseph Houghes @jhoughes
Kevin Howell @kevhowla
Alton Ingram
Yohei Ishihara
Darshana Jayathilake @darshanajayathi
Britton Johnson vcixnv
Spas Kaloferov @SpasKaloferov
Byounghee Kim
Arron King @cybersylum
Nick Korte @NetworkNerd_
Deepak koshal @deepakkoshal
Veli Kadir KOZAN @velikadirkozan
John Kozej @vcdx245
Vijay Kumar @jaysheezzy
Rajeev Kumar @rajeevc64867759
Michael Leahy @mikeleahy1234Ba
Ariel Liguori aliguo
Naresh Madiraju
Dukagjin Maloku DugiDM
HEURTIN Manuel @manul63
Wesley Martins Silva @wesmrt
Ángel Muñoz Guerrero @AngelMGTech
Ken Nalbone @KenNalbone
Michael Noone Yinzvirtual
Paul Parmentier
Mark Plettenberg @MarkPlettenberg
Alexandro Prado
John Putnam @putnajoe
James Rankin 0
Martez Reed greenreedtech
Joerg Roesch oergman
Rodrigo Rovere @blogciscoredes
Hussam Sawaged @HussamSawaqed
Michael Schroeder @Microlytix
Romain Serre @RomSerre
Ryan Shellenberger
Herman Silva bighermWPB
Harjit Singh @pmlogs
jitendra singh @jitendra12singh
Jitendra Singh @Jitendr87037334
Gerard Slotboom @slotboom
Dennis Smith @DennisMSmith
Iakov Sovluk
Christian Stankowic @stankowic_devel
John Statt @john.statt
Andy Syrewicze @asyrewicze
Dusan Tekeljak @mavatko
Aung Zaw Zaw Tun
Paul Twomey
Colin Westwater @cwestwater
Gary Williams @garyw_
Geoff Wilmington Geoff Wilmington
Bram Wolfs @bramwolfs
Paul Wynne @vdiallstar
Tayfun Yaban @tayfunyaban
Chip Zoller @chipzoller
Mischa Buijs BeVirtualnet
Christopher Frenz
Akira Koda