podcasts VMTN VMware

Talk Techy – The VMTN Podcast Program

Do you host a podcast around virtualization, storage, networking, or a key VMware subject area? Do you have a favorite podcast about technology? Would you like to explore relevant podcasts around technical topics?

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VMware Technology Network would like to help further connect our 3 million+ members by building and publishing a comprehensive list of favorite community podcasts, for your enjoyment. We are working to build our Podcasts community into said list, but we need your help.

If you host a podcast, or know of a technical podcast involving key VMware topics and would like to share it with the community, you only need to provide the following:

  • Name of podcast
  • Link to podcast
  • A 2-sentence abstract explaining the subject matter
  • Host information
  • Specific topics covered

This information can be submitted here: https://goo.gl/forms/GgM8kuEllYw8gVcL2. Any podcast submitted may be subject to promotion through VMTN and vExpert social channels.

Go ahead, take a minute and submit now; contribute to the education and entertainment of the VMware community.

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Please reach out to [email protected] with any questions.