podcasts VMTN VMware

A Certified Community Warrior

*With the below announcement, nominations are now open for the next Community Warrior*

Are you an individual who has achieved a VMware certification in the past 10 years? If so, you may recognize our newest Community Warrior’s handle: @scott28tt. Congratulations to Scott Vessey!

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Scott is a VMware employee who goes above and beyond his call of duty in helping the community. Scott holds over 14,000 community points, with 7,000+ in the Certification community, where he answers questions daily, helping others achieve their VCA, VCP, VCAP, VCIX, and VCDX.

I encourage anyone working towards passing these exams to visit the forums for advice, resources, and content provided by others, like Scott, who have been in your shoes. This information is invaluable.

Thanks for submitting such a well-deserved nomination lilesj!

I had a chance to pick Scott’s brain on behalf of the community…

Tell us a bit about what you do at VMware.

The organization I work for designs, develops, and manages all field-specific training programs, both technical and non-technical, for employees and partners. I’ve worked at VMware for just over 5 years, and my current role is to help the technical pre-sales folks in EMEA be the best at what they do!

I work with EMEA Systems Engineering leadership and managers to help determine who needs to know what, reviewing existing and desired skill levels, and creating and rolling out both corporate-wide and locally-developed training programs.

Ah, so customer certification is not a part of your day-to-day responsibilities. What makes you passionate about helping customers who post in the certification communities?

This goes back to when I worked as a VMware Certified Instructor – I took myself online into the communities and into other forums as an extension of the kinds of discussions that would be had in the classroom with students working towards their certification. I found there were a lot of people online who needed guidance and help – what to me was simple, everyday knowledge, could be very useful for others to understand.

What was the most recent VMware certification you received and what was the first?

Passing the VCP550D exam to recertify my VCP5-DCV, which also extended my VCP4-DCV, VCP3, and my first VMware certification – VCP2

How can our community members contact you with any follow-up questions?

VMTN: @scott28tt

Twitter: https://twitter.com/vmtraining

Blog: http://vmwaretraining.blogspot.com

Email: [email protected]

For more information around VMware certifications, visit the forums, check out the latest VMware Community Podcast with Karl Childs and Eric Nielsen, or visit MyLearn.

Congratulations again Scott – thanks for all of your contributions to VMTN! I speak for the community when I say, thanks for cutting down queries to help so many customers achieve certifications. You are truly a Community Warrior.