VMTN Vmworld

The Making of a #1 Team

Over 700 teams actively competed at CloudCredibility.com over the past 12 months. Players build professional connections, enjoy camaraderie & competition, score points, win prizes, and of course – stay current in a very fast-paced environment.

But in 2016 one team, LonVMUG – clearly outstripped the competition, amassing both an impressive lineup of high point-scoring members as well as a long and eye-popping list of prizes.

Who are these CloudCred dynamos, and what have they been steadily accomplishing since March of last year?

Team LonVMUG began in May of 2013 by founding player Dave Simpson – but it wasn’t until Andy Nash (aka Nashers) entered the game that the LonVMUG team began to realize its powerhouse potential.

If you follow Twitter’s @andynash99, you’ll know that Andy takes CloudCred play seriously. Virtually single-handedly, he brought the team to Number 15 on the CloudCred World Leaderboard, checking in with a solid 25,000 team points by March of 2016. But Andy never pretended to be satisfied with good; he intended to take his team to Number 1. For that, they would need to score over 40,000 points to overtake the illustrious VMUG.IT, a team unsurpassed in CloudCred history.

It was time for Andy to do some recruiting.

Picking up players (aka new friends) at various events like London VMUG meetings, Vbeers, the National VMUG user cons, and VMworld, LonVMUG steadily amassed over 40,000 points in 6 months. That’s some real Cloud Credibility! The team now boasts Number 1 ranking on all the short-term Leaderboards, and is bearing down on the All-time Number 1 spot still held by VMUG.IT. Less than 20,000 points to go…

“I’m addicted to scoring CloudCred points” – Andy Nash. No truer words were ever spoken.


Happy to connect at VMworld 2016: LonVMUG members scored enough CloudCred-Moscow Mule mug sets that they considered hosting their own cocktail party! Pictured here: Back L to R: Rob Bishop, Chris Bradshaw, Andy Nash, Amit Panchal. Front L to R: Gareth Edwards, Community Manager Noell Grier, Dave Simpson

From the tee-shirts and pen-knives to GoPros, VMware Course Vouchers and hard-drives, the players of LonVMUG have certainly enjoyed a wide variety of CloudCred prizes earned from all those points.

But LonVMUG team members aren’t in it for the swag – they love the camaraderie, the networking opportunities, the unique learning platform, and the ability to easily stay current in this fast-paced community.

Rob Bishop notes, “… CloudCred has enabled me to keep up to date with all the changes going on with VMware products.”

“I pick up information about technologies I might have otherwise missed,” says Chris Bradshaw.

Who will be the next hot team, ready to take on not only LonVMUG, but all the others vying for top spots in 2017? LonVMUG is eager for the competition – and with all the new badges and tasks, there are plenty of daily reasons to get you & your team involved.

A hearty 2017 Congratulations to Team LonVMUG.

We look forward to seeing your team at CloudCredibility.com!