networking NSX vExpert

vExpert NSX 2016 Award Announcement


Thank you to everyone who applied for vExpert NSX. I’m pleased to announce the list of 2016 vExperts who received the NSX award. Each of these vExperts have demonstrated significant contributions to the community and a willingness to share their expertise with others. Contributing is not always blogging or Twitter as there are many public speakers, book authors, script writers, VMUG leaders, VMTN community moderators and internal champions among this group.

The program is build upon the vExpert program. To apply you must be a current vExpert as well as evangelizing VMware NSX. We will open applications once per year for each of the sub-programs. Applications for 2017 will open around February of 2017.

Thank You,

Corey Romero, and the VMware Social Media & Community Team

First Last Twitter
Abdullah Abdullah do0dzZZ
Ebrahim Aldesouky Elmehsnawy EbrahimAldesouk
Mike Armstrong virtsouthwest
Aram Avetisyan how2vm
mauro balbiani
Robert Bauer rotbau
Ivo Beerens ibeerens
Ather Beg AtherBeg
Daemon Behr daemonbehr
Roie Ben Haim roie9876
Giuliano Bertello GiulianoBerteo
Dennis Bray DennisBray
Andrew Brydon sidbrydon
Matthew Bunce virtualisedgeek
Patricio Cerda patote83
Brad Christian vhipster
Chris Clancy vmw_clancy
Joe Clarke elgwhoppo
Luis Concistre luisconcistre
Jonathan Copeland VirtSecurity
Tim Davis ALDTD
Marc De Grasse marcpcd
William de Marigny
Romain Decker woueb
Simone Di Mambro sidimam
Richard Dowling virtRich
Matthias Eisner matthiaseisner
Chanaka Ekanayake s_Chan_EK
raymundo escobar elnemesisdivina
Niran Even-Chen niranec
Kirill Filin kirhy
Ron Flax ronflax
Tomas Fojta fojta
Javier Galvez JavierTroubleV
Andrew Gilman andrewgilman
Nathan Goh agentnath
Jose Maria Gonzalez jose_m_gonzalez
Myles Gray mylesagray
Florian Grehl virten
Joseph Griffiths Gortees
Kevin Groat kgroat
Sebastian Grugel sebastiangrugel
Takahiro Hagiwara shadowhat
Niels Hagoort NHagoort
Brandon Hahn brandonhahn
Edward Haletky Texiwill
Manfred Hofer Fred_vBrain
Wade Holmes wholmes
Tom Howarth tom_howarth
Marc Huppert MarcHuppert
Manish Jha alex_hunt86
Ryan Johnson tenthirtyam
sandeep kaushik sandeepDtech
Ben King benking84
Brian Kirsch bckirsch
Anjani Kumar anjaniyadav85
Christopher Kusek cxi
Matthew Larson
Matthew Leib MBLeib
Fabian Lenz lenzker
Alex Lopez iVirtuAlex
Scott Lowe scott_lowe
Gabriel Maciel gmaciel_ca
Kohei Matsumoto
Andrea Mauro Andrea_Mauro
Petr McAllister McallisterPetr
Dan McGee VMVernak
Sam McGeown sammcgeown
Paul McSharry pmcsharry
Paul Meehan paulpmeehan
Brian Mislavsky bmislavsky
Masanori Nara masanara
Jason Nash TheJasonNash
Christopher Neale MrCNeale
Karel Novak novakkkarel
Russell OConnor raoconnor
Christian Parker crispyire
Manish Patel mandivs
Joep Piscaer jpiscaer
Trevor Pott cakeis_not_alie
Brian Ragazzi brianragazzi
Kyle Ruddy kmruddy
Ariel Sanchez Mora arielsanchezmor
Nicolai Sandager NSA42
Marius Sandbu msandbu
Yves Sandfort yvessandfort
Prasenjit Sarkar stretchcloud
Pablo Scheri pabloscheri
Elver Sena Sosa ElverS_Opinion
Maqsood Siddiqui Maqsood_S
Manny Sidhu MannySidhu2
Joshua Sims josh_vcrumbs
Heino Skov heinoskov
Eric Sloof esloof
Martijn Smit smitmartijn
Jens Soeldner JensSoeldner
Ted Spinks
Anthony Spiteri anthonyspiteri
John Statt StattJohn
Gregory Stemberger gjstem
Christian Strijbos vChriSt
Kazumi Takata Kazumi_Takata
Ranjit Singh thakurratan rjapproves
Sateesh Thupakula VMwareguruz
Tolga Tohumcu TolgaTohumcu
Kunal Udapi kunaludapi
Marco van Baggum vMBaggum
Rene Van Den Bedem vcdx133
Peter van Roosmalen perke
Robert Verdam rverdam
Ales Vojtek vojtekales
Chris Wahl ChrisWahl
Ian Walker
Go Watanabe gowatana
Steve Wood stewud86
Chi Kin Wu umacboyvictor
Clint Wyckoff ClintWyckoff
Ross Wynne RossWynne
Yoshimasa Yamamoto vYamamoty
Cahit YOLACAN cyolacan
Jarosław Zieliński vJZielinski
Bo Bo Zin bebezet