
vExpert 2015 Second Half Announcement


Thank you to everyone who applied for vExpert. I’m pleased to announce the list of 2015 Second Half vExperts. Each of these vExperts have demonstrated significant contributions to the community and a willingness to share their expertise with others. Contributing is not always blogging or Twitter as there are many public speakers, book authors, script writers, VMUG leaders, VMTN community moderators and internal champions among this group.

I want to personally thank everyone who applied and point out that a “vExpert” is not a technical certification or even a general measure of VMware expertise. The judges selected people who were particularly engaged with their community and who had developed a substantial personal platform of influence in those communities. If you feel like you were not selected in error, that’s entirely possible.

The judges may have overlooked or misinterpreted what you wrote in your application. Email us at and we can discuss your situation. We looked at all of the 2014 and some of 2015 activities to determine the voting results.

If you were selected as a vExpert 2015 Second Half, we will be conducting the on-boarding after VMworld so expect the vExpert Welcome Email in early September. In the welcome email we will explain the entire program and what you need to do to be enrolled in our private vExpert community as well as listed in the vExpert directory. We will use the email address provided in your vExpert application. Congratulations to all the vExperts, new and returning.

We’re looking forward to working with you. Command + F away and find your name if you can’t wait for the welcome email

Corey Romero, and the VMware Social Media & Community Team


First Last Twitter
Steve Wood @stewud86
Nick Bowie
Michael Cade @MichaelCade1
Scott Norris
Trevor Smith
Jeff Wong @JumpyJW
Clement wong kenshi08
Michael Wilson @m1kew1lson
Jeremy Wheeler @whitezombie2000
Don Ward ward8124
Hank Pike HankPike
Peter von Oven @PVO71
Paolo Valsecchi @nolabnoparty
Carlos Tronco @ctronco
Sean Thulin @sthulin
Lino Telera @linotelera
Davoud Teimouri @davoud_teimouri
George Strother
Jonathan Stewart @virtuallyanadmi
Patrick Stasko @PatrickStasko
Ram Pratap Singh
Jim Silvera @jimsilvera
Rocco Pierpaolo Sicilia @roccosicilia
Ryan Sheldon
Jonathan Schulman @vaficionado
Jonathan Schulman @vaficionado
Ariel Sanchez @arielsanchezmor
Christiaan Roeleveld @vChrisR
Joerg Riether @joergriether
Nataraj P
Dan Ricks @vmDan
Jon Retting
Jose Ramon Ramos Gata
Cédric QUILLEVERE @cqchu
Trevor Pott @cakeis_not_alie
Matt Popovich @matt_popovich
Kalle Pihelgas
martin perez @virtualMartin42
Christian Parker @crispyire
Arunkumar Pandey @arunpande
Adam Osterholt @osterholta
Børre Nygren @borrenygren
Ian Noble iannoble
John Newman vm2atv
Suresh babu Nekkalapudi
David Murray @DavidMsDesk
Heri Muhrial @heri_tico
Potheri Mohan @itvista
Noor Mohammad @noor2122
Manu Mishra
Theresa Miller @24x7itconnect
Saša Mašić @EdoTorp
sander martijn @slmartijn
Carel Maritz @carelmaritz
Juan Ernesto Manrique Mendez @jemanriquem
Enrico Laursen @EnricoLaursen
Gregory Laub @GregLaub
Ziv Klempner @ZivKlempner
Ralf Klein
Ben King @benking84
Joel Kaufman @thejoelk
Roshan Jha @jharoshRoshan
Sonal Jain @mouseonthecloud
Jeff Jackson @JeffMJackson
Dennis Hoegen Dijkhof @vDennisHD
Jens Hennig Hennig_Jens
Ryan Harris @vRyanH
Jonas Groth @jonesg_online
Kevin Groat @kgroat
Sivaprasad Govindankutty @kgsivan
Xavier Genestós @sysadmit
Alexander Ganser @alexganser
Matthew Ford mattfordvcp
Mohamed Amine ESSFALI
Donovan Durand @donovanjd
Esau Randall Cruz Vega @ercruzv
Cedric Courteix @ccourteix
Chuck Cocker @chuckrox_canada
Denny Cherry @mrdenny
Dale Carter @vdelboy
Ersin CAN eerrsincan
Christophe Calvet @ccalvetTCC
Stuart Burns @redhat_addict
Daniel Boring @virtuallyBoring
Sascha Bitzer
Giuliano Bertello @GiulianoBerteo
Netanel Ben-Shushan
Tomas Baublys @bauttt
David Barker davidbarker223
Stephane Asselin @VirtualStef
Henk Arts @vmhenk
Ebrahim Aldesouky Elmehsnawy @EbrahimAldesouk
Mohammad Dosoukey Al-Ashqar
Hakan Akkurt @hakkurt46
Yoga Bayu Aji Pranawa @YBPranawa
Dee Abson @deeabson
khalid alshafee vdify
Nihat ALTINMAKAS @vmwaretr
Mehmet AYDIN vmwaremantr
Ahmed Badawy
Nathan BEck @nateb72
Dean Bolton @vlssllc
John Brescia @JohnBrescia
Matthew Bunce @VirtualisedGeek
Marc De Grasse @marcpcd
Ercan ERGEN @ergenerc
Jason Fiset @jfiset
Ron Flax @ronflax
Fred Hantelmann
Gorka Izquierdo @gbizkarrondo
Peter Learmonth @titaniumlegs
Erick Marshall @erickbm
Niraj Naidu @mr_champy
Narendrakumar Padmani @npadmani
johnpaul pflaum @jppflaum
Stefan Renner @rennerstefan
Fabio Ribolla @FabioRibolla
Tim Robinson
Javier Rodriguez @dadowistef
Brendan Rose @mrrose007
David Schneider @schneiders_d
Constantin Soeldner
Guido Söldner @gsoeldner
Arron Stebbing @ArronStebbing
Andrew Sullivan @andrew_ntap
Mammo Tesfaye @mtesfaye
Tadao Tsuchimura @sakuryupapa
Mark Ukotic @originaluko
Eirik Vada @vVadster
Johan van Amersfoort @vhojan
Marco van Baggum @vMBaggum
Jon Waite @jondwaite
Mike Wilson @it_muscle
Akemi Nakagawa @nkgwakemi
Mitsutaka Ohisa @m_ohisa
Motonori Shindo @motonori_shindo
Tadao Tsuchimura @sakuryupapa