
vExpert 2013 deadline extended to April 22, 2013

We’re extending the vExpert 2013 application deadline to from tonight to April 22, 2013 at midnight PDT. More information on the vExpert Program is available at the original announcement: vExpert 2013 applications are now open.

Here is the vExpert 2013 application form.

We’d like to encourage first-time applicants to go ahead and put in an application. It just takes a few minutes to apply.

If you’re passionate about virtualization, cloud, and building the new software-defined data center, you’ve probably shown it in some way just by doing your job with passion. For some of us, that’s building out a blog to record our observations on a current project. For others, it’s speaking at a VMUG, leading a certification study group, or working with VMware as a reference customer. We want people in the vExpert Program who have given back to your colleagues and the community — however you do it. You don’t have to be a book author, you don’t have to be a famous speaker, and you don’t even have to be the smartest person you know. The vExpert Program is a great experience for the participants. Our job is to help you succeed in your career and to help you continue to contribute to the community.

If you know someone who you think should apply — someone who has contributed their expertise to others, who would enjoy hanging out with the most passionate pros in IT, and who we’d like to hang out with too! — then please use this vExpert Recommendation Form to reach out to them and encourage them to apply this year.

This deadline extension is not related to today’s terrible tragedy in Boston, but our thoughts and prayers go out to those affected.