
vExpert Spotlight: Kyle Ruddy

KyleRuddyName: Kyle Ruddy
Blog: http://www.thatcouldbeaproblem.com/
Twitter: @RuddyVCP
Current Employer: Senior Systems Engineer with Aprimo, a Teradata Company

How did I get into IT?
Always had a fascination with computers since a kid and once I figured out how to make money while modifying, repairing, or just doing general upkeep to personal computers that eventually spread into websites, servers, and so forth.

Once I got in, the whole evolution of the state of IT got me hooked and showed me how it rewards those that can keep up with it.

How did you get into working with VMware and becoming a 2012 vExpert?
I was in the right place at the right time and was able to take one of the VMware training courses which resulted in earning my VCP certificate. From there, I was inserted into a Systems Engineer position and eventually earned a trip to VMworld.

After VMworld and seeing how great the community was, I knew I had to get involved. Since that point I've been heavily involved in the local community, blogging all my experiences that could be helpful to others, and even joined the Indy VMUG as a leader.

What would you tell someone who wanted to get a job like yours to do?
Find something you enjoy and are pasionate about then strive to be the best you can. All your hard work will be rewarded.