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Top 5 Community Blog Posts – Sept 10th 2012

Hello Everyone! I am Patricio Cerda, vExpert 2011 and 2012, and virtualization blogger.

Here I am again to write about the content of the Community Blogs and to provide you with the Top 5 recommended blog posts to read.  The last two weeks there were a lot of articles, so my apologies for the delay.

So, here is the selection for the last 2 weeks. (In no particular order).

Enhanced / Improved / X – vMotion in 5.1

In this post, Bilal talks about Enhanced vMotion which is included in the recently launched vSphere 5.1, and gives us a very good overview about all the improvements and  how Enhanced vMotion works.
Read the full article here


What is the Software-Defined Datacenter?

Here Mike give us a really great explanation about what is “Software-Defined Datacenter”.  This term has been used very often the last weeks, specially at the VMworld keynotes, so now we can better understand about what this term implies.
Read the full article here


PHD Virtual Backup 6 and Instant VM Recovery

Antone talks about a new feature in PHD Virtual Backup, which provides a quick recovery from backup, and explains how this works.
Read the full article here


Does software eliminate or move location of vendor lock-in?

Here Greg talks about the vendor lock-in, and the claim of software vendors about that their solution eliminates vendor lock-in.   Truth or half-truth?
Read the full article here


Part 1: What’s New vSphere5.1: The Web-Client

In this article, Mike gives us an overview about the new vSphere Web Client (Adobe Flex based), which replaces the traditional vSphere Client (C# based).
Read the full article here

Enjoy the reading!!!