
Top 5 Community Blog Posts – Aug 13th 2012

Hello Everyone! I am Patricio Cerda, vExpert 2011 and 2012, and virtualization blogger.

Here I am to write about the content of the Community Blogs and to provide you with the Top 5 recommended blog posts to read. This is my first week and every 2 weeks I'll be here writing about the best posts on Community Blogs. If you think a certain post is worthy to be in the Top 5, please let me know on twitter.

So, here is the selection for the last 2 weeks. (In no particular order).

Shell.log Holmes – CSI ESXi
In this post Bilal talks about how to do some troubleshooting on ESXi 5 using the log files, and the importance of not to use the root account when you SSHing into your hosts.  Read the full article here

Virtual Routers
In this post Steven talks about the new trends about Cloud Computing and Virtual routing.  Read the full article here

vCenter Operations – The Beginnings of VMware's Cloud Monitoring Stack
In this post Archie talks about Cloud monitoring solutions, with emphasis in vCenter Operations, and what are the trends on Cloud management.  Read the full article here.

Creating an Enterprise Cloud for App Dev: A CIO's Journey
This post talks about the Journey of Brian Lillie, CIO at Equinix, to create an Enterprise Cloud to Application Development.  Read the full article here

What does new EMC and Lenovo partnership mean?
In this post Greg talks about the recent partnership between EMC and Lenovo, and what that really means to the industry. Read the full article here

Enjoy the reading!!!