
vExpert Spotlight: Karel Novak

Image_4500Name: Karel Novák

Blog URL: www.vmware-veeam.cz

Twitter handle: @novakkkarel

Current employer: Arrow ECS, a.s. Czech Republic

How did you get into IT?

My first touch with IT was thanks to one extraordinary person, Mr. Petr Havlik, who introduced me Commodore 64. I started with games and first commands in command line came soon. I felt in love with that „keyboard punching“ immediately. In following years, as I was changing PC over PC, I came to realize that I want IT to become my daily bread. The year I had to choose my high school the fortune was with me as new IT specialized class was open in my hometown and I knew it’s the only thing I want to study. I successfully passed the exam and followed to study at ISSP Purkynova in Brno. After leaving exam I found out, that the only meaningful place to work was Prague. IT Manager in Alliance Unichem, Mr. Bruha, was the only willing to give a chance to fresh IT rookie. So since January 2002 I work for this company (with the same boss ;-)). The only things which changed is my role (from IT technician I became System Engineer Virtual Infrastructure ) and the name of company – Alliance Healthcare s.r.o. Czech Republic. Right after opening doors in my new job I found out, that by leaving exam the real school, in fact, only began. So for last, almost 13 years I learn every single day necessity of learning to keep on the tech edge.

Update 2014:

During 2014 i changed company and move from Alliance Healthcare s.r.o. to Arrow ECS, a.s. Czech Republic. I work as Senior Virtual Infrastructure Engineer , VMware Certified Instructor – Level2 and Veeam Certified Trainer.

How did you get into working with VMware and becoming a 2012 vExpert?

It was in 2007 I first red some articles about virtualization a started to play with VMware Workstation. I installed my first ESX  3.0.1 at the end of the same year just as pure testing. Version 3.5 followed and the breakpoint came with release of vSphere 4, with which I succeeded in my initiative to virtualize business critical workloads. So I work with VMware for last almost 6 years. 2010 I attended my first VMworld and since then I started to write case studies, present and discuss on VMware inside company and „on public“. I’ve become enthusiastic VMware advocate, as for those years VMware solutions proved its maturity, quality and clear business benefits. It was just that enthusiasm, I guess, which won me the honor of vExpert 2012 award and next two years too.

What would you tell someone who wanted to get a job like yours to do?

Just go for it! But it takes a courage, patience and willingness to learn new things each and every day.

If You need help or advise, be free to contact me. 😉