
vExpert Spotlight: Jodi Shely

IMAG0677Name: Jodi Shely                            

Blog URL: No Blog

Twitter handle: @rytalws

Current employer: VMware – the best of em all!


How did you get into IT?

I decided that Business Admin was too plain and well that aren’t a lot of Women in IT, so I thought why not!  I chose IT because I knew it was an accelerating field and was obsessed in learning all the new technologies that just keep getting introduced  from old PC’s to Virtual Storage, it’s all real exciting!.


How did you get into working with VMware and becoming a 2011 vExpert? 

This is my 4th year as a vExpert member and am very excited more now than ever to be a part.  I started working with VMware products in 2005.  I then started helping with the local VMUG.  This led to next steps of inheriting the Omaha User Group from a fellow vExpert.  I co-led the Omaha User Group for almost 4 years.  I’ve assisted with the Regional VMUG’s in KC as well.  After taking over the VMUG, I became involved in the VMUG Board of Directors and participated on the board for almost 3 years.    I have learned so much and have met some Uber smart people over the last 6.5 years in Virtualization.  It’s so exciting and it never stops.   

What would you tell someone who wanted to get a job like yours to do? 

Don’t be afraid of change.  If you like IT, change is every day.  Be interested in whatever you like.  If you love your job, you can only excel at it!  You will switch careers and say goodbye to old and hello to new to co-workers, but you’re going to meet some amazing friends along the way.  Don’t neglect your family life but give your extra to your career.  Only you can grow it!

I am honored to be on the vExpert team and look forward to all the interesting conversations we will discuss!