
vExpert Spotlight: Roger Lund

RogerName: Roger Lund

Blog URL: www.vroger.com www.vbrainstorm.com

Twitter handle: rogerlund

Current employer: Array Services Group

How did you get into IT?
It just fit. I started working work study in while in college and just loved it. I took six months off, without any computer exposure, and found I missed the work, and the tinkering.
I found that I love working with computers, and therefore, I love what I do.

How did you get into working with VMware and becoming a 2012 vExpert?
I was fascinated with VMware when I saw the first releases of VMware ESX 1.0 (Elastic Sky X)  and VMware GSX 1.0 (Ground Storm X).
I was amazed that software could so completely emulate bios, and that the operating system or systems sitting on it were so oblivious.
I knew then that Virtualization was a possible factor in the future of computing, and I have been excited about the future of the virtualization technology space ever since.

This is why I am so passionate about virtualization technology, and love to talk about it.
You will likely see me talking about every aspect of Virtualization!

Right,back on track.

As soon as I had the chance I co-founded a local Computer group based on general IT. www.centralmnit.com This held quarterly meetings discussing all matters of IT. I wanted others to have the opportunity to network, and to learn about technology. Soon as my knowledge about VMware grew, and the industry adoption grew, I found myself talking more and more about virtualization.

I was offered the chance to co-lead a VMware VMUG in Minneapolis MN, and soon after started one in St. Cloud MN.
It was during this period that I was selected as a VMware vExpert.

For me it has been both a fantastic opportunity to both increase my knowledge, and to share my experiences.

What would you tell someone who wanted to get a job like yours to do?
Read, Blogs! Build a home Lab, and then install the products and setup the software. Then start blogging about your experience.
Use twitter and reach out to those using VMware, and start using VMware yourself.
Attend VMware User Groups or VMUG's. These are meetings for VMware users to see technology and talk to other users about technology.
Try to attend as many events as you can, the interaction with other users is key.
Buy books, and training courses, these can be paramount in your path.