
vExpert 2012 applications now open

It is this time of the year again, and the applications are now open for the vExpert 2012 selection.

In the years past, the program has attracted the most enthusiastic and active VMware users to become vExperts and help us spread knowledge and expertise about VMware technology. vExperts got access to software licenses, betas, and early access programs, as well as exclusive events at VMworld in Las Vegas and Copenhagen.

What’s next? Of course, more of the same. More licenses, more betas, and more VMworld. But starting in 2012, we will also have more vExperts, to include more VMware enthusiasts who may be doing their work of sharing the know-how away from the limelight of the Internet and public events.

Our vExperts in the past have for the most part fallen into two implicit groups: bloggers/writers/evangelists and VMUG leaders. This year, we are making explicit three different paths to becoming a vExpert.  As always, the common theme for the established and the new vExpert paths will be going above and beyond your day job to help others be successful with VMware solutions.

Evangelist Path
The Evangelist Path includes book authors, bloggers, tool builders, public speakers, and other IT professionals who share their knowledge and passion with others with the leverage of a personal public platform to reach many people. Employees of VMware can now also apply via the Evangelist path.

Customer Path
The Customer Path is for internal evangelists and community leaders from VMware customer organizations. They have contributed to success stories, customer references, or public interviews and talks, or were active community contributors, such as VMUG leaders.

VPN (VMware Partner Network) Path
The VPN Path is for employees of our partner companies who lead with passion and by example, who are committed to continuous learning and to making their technical knowledge and expertise available to many. This can take shape of event participation, video, IP generation, as well as public speaking engagements.

Although we’re making the three pathways explicit this year, as always, there will remain a single vExpert designation; we aren’t splitting the program into sections. The only change is that now you will be able to select which application path to take, depending on where your main contributions lie.

You will find more details and a link to the application form at vmware.com/go/vexpert2012

The vExpert 2012 page also has a link to an invitation form that you can use to encourage your friends and colleagues who did not previously qualify for a vExpert designation as an Evangelist to apply in the other paths.

VMware vExpert Benefits:

  • Public recognition of the vExpert award with a certificate, gift, permission to display a logo, and inclusion in any public vExpert listing

  • Access to a private vExpert community of your peers

  • Free subscription to conference session materials on VMworld.com

  • Access to exclusive events, beta programs, software licenses, and other exclusive opportunities to participate in activities with VMware. vExperts do not represent VMware and are not required to participate in any activities

Applications are now open for the vExpert 2012 title. Use the vExpert 2012 form to submit your application, and the invitation form to encourage your peers to apply.