
vExpert Spotlight: Niclas Borgström

Twitter Handle: @ViridisIT
Current employer: Viridis IT
Blog URL: http://www.viridisit.se/swe/blog/viridis-bloggar/

How did you get into IT in the first place?

I’ve always had computers as a hobby since back in the days of VIC20, Commodore 64 and the almighty Amiga (started off with an Amiga1000). So my path to working in IT was pretty much set from an early age. I had been working for a few years when I first heard about VMware Workstation and found it to be the absolutely coolest thing I had ever seen! Being able to run different operating systems without dual-boot was awesome, so I played around with a lot of different operating systems for fun. From that point on it was pretty obvious that virtualization was the way to go. I was hooked from day 1.

How did you get into working with VMware and becoming a 2011 vExpert?

My first encounter with VMware Workstation in early 2000 made me realize that virtualization was truly game changing and without a doubt the coolest thing ever (and I still think that J). My passion ever since the first encounter have been virtualization, I’ve been trying to spread the word like a true virtualization evangelist ever since.

What would you tell someone who wanted to get a job like yours to do?

For me, to be good or even great at something it needs to start with a true and profound interest in something. You get your hands on some new technology, read up on it and spend a lot of time on community forums to get a better understanding of the product/technology and perhaps even start to share some advice on the forums.