
Top 5 Planet V12N blog posts for week 34

Well it’s upon us once again, tomorrow kicks off THE big event of the year for those that enjoy the benefits of VMware software solutions.  VMworld 2011 is on, and as always it will be the best place to be for the next 5 days.  Follow the action online via Twitter or login to VMworld.com and listen to the key notes for those of you that couldn’t make it out there in person.

Duncan Epping – Using vSphere 5 auto-deploy in your home lab – I was just playing around with auto-deploy and I figured I would quickly scribble down the steps required to configure it. The documentation is okay but it often refers me back and forth in the document which makes it difficult to read at times. Here is what I did to get it working. I was in doubt if I would add screenshots, but that would make this article fairly lengthy and I am sure that most of you wouldn’t need it any way.

Eric Gray – VMware vSphere 5 outperforms Hyper-V by nearly 20% – Independent technology assessment firm, Principled Technologies, recently conducted a comprehensive performance comparison between VMware vSphere 5 and Hyper-V R2 SP1.  In a head-to-head competition, VMware ESXi once again smoked the Windows-based hypervisor in three amazing ways…

Chris Colotti – Create vApp Storage Tiers in vCloud Director – Well, by now there is many of us that have installed and played with vCloud Director and realized it is pretty cool, well at least I think so.  We have also seen it has some of its challenges, as we would with any new product.  I did want to take a moment, and try to give some ideas, NOT gospel design mind you, on how to possibly get creative with vCloud Director in order to create storage tiers for a specific vApp.

Michael White – Bulk IP Customization in SRM 5 – In SRM 5 we have a new interface to managing the IP information of protected virtual machines.  It makes it easy to change or update IP information for a virtual machine.  You can see what the SRM UI looks like here.  See below for what the new UI for editing IP addresses in SRM 5 looks like.

Kendrick Coleman – 10 Tips for Attending VMworld – The twitterstream is buzzing, press releases are being announced, and everyone is preparing their livers for the awesomeness that is going to be next week. Last year’s VMworld was my first and it is going to be hard to top, but I’m determined to make it better than ever. I wanted to throw some quick tips for those venturing out to Vegas next week. I learned most of these the hard way because it was my first major conference, but hopefully you can learn from my mistakes.