
Top 5 Planet V12N blog posts for week 26

Are you registered for the biggest online VMware event of the year on Tuesday July 12?  If not, open up a new tab now and sign up now for “Raising The Bar, Part V”.  Join executives Paul Maritz, CEO and Steve Herrod, CTO for the unveiling of the next major step forward in Cloud infrastructure. You can’t miss this one it’s gonna be a doozy!

David Davis – Ask the Expert with Scott Lowe, Rich Brambley, Jason Nash, Mike Laverick and Mike DiPetrillo – Video coverage form the “Ask the Expert” session at the Carolina VMUG was awesome this year (2011).

Srinivas Krishnamurti – Introducing VMware Zimbra for Android – A New Fling from VMware Labs! – We are excited to announce the availability of VMware Zimbra for Android (VZA) as a fling. A fling is a short-term thing, not a serious relationship but a fun one. Likewise, the tools that are offered as a fling from VMware Labs are intended to be played with and explored. None of them are guaranteed to become part of any future product offering and there is no support for them. They are, however, totally free for you to download and play around with!

Kenneth van Ditmarsch – VM Swapfile (.vswp) placement with SRM – Nowadays VMware Site Recovery Manager (SRM) gets implemented more and more and like vSphere, VMware SRM needs a good architectural design before starting off.  One of the design considerations is around the placement of the Virtual Machine Swap File (.vswp) which I want to give some more information about in this article.

Thomas Mackay – Tom’s Picks for VMWorld 2011 – Speaker Recommendations – Over the past few VMWorld events, I have sent a list of speaker recommendations to my customers outlining some of my personal picks for the sessions I think would be the best to attend based on either my direct experience with the speaker, through personal relationship, or presenting with them at another event. I have combed through all of the speaker sessions, and chosen only the ones that I know (IMHO) who are “golden” in technical knowledge or presentation skills! Try not to miss the ones marked “Highly Recommended” as they are sessions that have an extraordinary speaker or topic.

Andre Leibovici – VM MAC Address Changes in VMware View – A common question from VMware View administrators is if the MAC addresses in each VM are retained after a recompose or refresh operation.  In VMware View 4.0 and earlier linked cloning operations were a little more CPU and IO intensive. Because of the high number of recourses utilized during these operations VMware decided to change the basics of those operations for VMware View 4.5.