
Top 5 Planet V12N blog posts for week 25

You guys are making it difficult for me again, this week there were a lot of great posts from the community and it was hard to pick just 5 posts.

Andy Grant – Some Answers About Queues: LUN and HBA Queue Depth on ESX(i) Hosts – his article is in response to the post More Questions About Queues: LUN and HBA Queue Depth on ESX(i) Hosts. I previously posed a few questions about the behavior of vSphere’s SIOC and (LUN) Adaptive Queue Depth algorithm and have a few observations to report.

Eric Sloof – New Technical Papers – vShield Edge Design Guide and vShield App Design Guide – VMware vShield is a suite of security virtual appliances built for VMware vSphere 4.1. It is a critical security component for protecting virtualized datacenters from attacks and misuse. vShield App and vShield Edge are the two products in the suite that address network security.

Luc Dekens – Datastore usage statistics – An interesting question came up in the PowerCLI Community. Can one extract the datastore statistics, that are used for the space utilization graphs in the vSphere Client, with PowerCLI ? The graph in question, which you find in the Datastores Inventory view under the Performance tab, looks something like this.

Christian Mohn – 7 Expert Tips for Managing Your Remote vSphere Infrastructure – Now there is a catchy title if I ever saw one. Only “problem” is that it’s a whitepaper that I have written for Veeam. In reality this is the first published article I have ever written, that I didn’t publish on my own. I’m excited about it, yet strangely nervous about how it will be received by the people who download it. If you happen to do so, make sure to let me know how you found it, all comments and criticism will be most appreciated.

Armin van Lieshout – Managing VMware DRS rules using PowerCLI – One of the core features of VMware vSphere is the Distributed Resource Scheduler (DRS). VMware DRS is vSphere’s workload load balancer and relies on VMware vMotion technology to live-migrate workloads from one ESX host to another.You can constrain the VMware DRS decisions by defining DRS Rules. As of vSphere 4.1 there are 2 type of DRS rules.

And a bonus #6: Duncan Epping - Disk.SchedNumReqOutstanding the story - There has been a lot of discussion in the past around Disk.SchedNumReqOutstanding and what the value should be and how it relates to the Queue Depth. Jason Boche wrote a whole article about when Disk.SchedNumReqOutstanding (DSNRO) is used and when not and I guess I would explain it as follows …