This week, we have launched a new community for VMware vFabric SQLFire on VMTN.
vFabric SQLFire is a memory-oriented, shared-nothing distributed data management system designed for applications that demand high speed, scalability and availability.
SQLFire offers some of the best features usually only seen in NoSQL databases, such as horizontal scalability, shared-nothing persistence and built in fault tolerance, but does it all while providing a real SQL interface. If you're having trouble scaling your database or worried about high availability, SQLFire is a great alternative.
You can talk to SQLFire using JDBC from Java applications or from .NET using an ADO.NET driver so you can use existing code and talk to SQLFire in a language you already know.
You can dowlnoad the SQLFire Beta in the new community, use the discussions forum to ask a question, and check out the documents for more features lists, benchmarks, and more useful information.