
Top 5 Planet V12N blog posts for week 11

Massimo Re Ferre -  vShield products packaging explained (with a focus on vCloud Director) – The way VMware is packaging / positioning vShield technologies isn’t clear to everyone. This shouldn’t be surprising since we have been lately expanding the offering with a lot of new stuff. In this post I am going (to try) to make a sense of vShield, its importance and specifically how it relates to vCloud Director. I am probably doing this in a non conventional way. At least in a way that a formal product manager wouldn’t use.

Chris Colotti – Components For A vCloud Deployment – I often get asked during a vCloud Jumpstart or vCloud Accelerator delivery by both customers and other VMware Consultants…..What exactly do we need to stand up for a “Production” ready private cloud?  This got me thinking about all the considerations around what actually goes into the deployment beyond just vCenter, ESX, vCloud Director, etc.

Andre Leibovici – TPS, Large Memory Pages and your VDI environment – If you have been running VMware View 4.0 or greater the chances are that you have vSphere 4.0 U2 or vSphere 4.1 deployed in your VDI infrastructure. You may have VMware Infrastructure 3.5 U5 but I am hoping that at this stage you have already been trough the upgrade.

Jason Boche – Free VMware vSphere Client for iPad Available – It has been an exciting couple of months for VMware in terms of product releases.  Now, VMware has done it again.  Effective immediately, the vSphere Client for iPad is announced and is generally available for download from the Apple App Store.  Leave your wallet and iTunes gift cards parked.  Similar to the VMware View Client for iPad, this app is also brought to the community free of charge. 

Eric Sloof – Latest fling from VMware Labs – Thinapped vSphere Client – VMware Labs presents its latest fling Thinapped vSphere Client. This fling uses VMware ThinApp to package vSphere Client into a single portable EXE giving you instant access to your virtual infrastructure from any computer.