
Top 5 Planet V12N blog posts for week 5

This week was the annual World Wide Kickoff for the VMware sales force out in Las Vegas.  It was great to see a lot of VMware co-workers ranging from TAM’s, SE’s and Account managers.  We reviewed last years results (killed it) and planned for an outstanding 2011.  Next week is Partner Exchange in Orlando, FL and I am sure many of you will be traveling to that event!  Here are the top 5 posts for the week.

Andrea Leibovici – VDI Display Protocol Calculator v1.0 – I have just made available the first release of my VDI Display Protocol Calculator. This calculator complement the online VDI Calculator. The original VDI Calculator  that is a great tool in helping architects and administrators to size deployments.The main idea behind this new calculator is to quickly provide a ballpark figure of network bandwidth required to support a VDI deployment or roll-out. The calculator will point you to the most appropriate display protocol to be used and will also provide network bandwidth figures.

Kevin Kelling – PowerGUI, vEcoshell (VESI), PowerCLI and ESXi -  PowerGUI is a free tool from Quest Software that does what it’s name suggests — it provides a GUI interface to Microsoft’s PowerShell automation framework/scripting interface.  It’s a visual shell of sorts for Powershell.  You can create a combination of queries and actions and then either run them from the GUI, or switch over to the “script” tab and see your actions in Powershell script format.  This is great for people like me who know just enough about scripting to be dangerous — you can construct your query/task in the GUI and then modify the details in the exposed script.

Ricky El Qasem – vDisk Informer is here! – Ok in an effort to enhance 2 of my existing apps I created something new and born from the ashes is a new app called vDisk Informer. vDisk Informer demonstrates which virtual disks have potentially wasted space on them and which virtual disks are misaligned causing a performance impact. See how it…

Jakob Fabritius Norregaard – Capacity Planner 2.8.0 released – A new version of VMware Capacity Planner v2.8.0 build 46460 has been released (only available to partners). The most notable new features are support for desktop assessments and that multiple assessments can be grouped under one company. The collector interface is more or less unchanged.

Duncan Epping – Scripted install with ESXi – I received a couple of questions around doing a scripted install with ESXi and decided to write up a script and show you the steps required. Doing a scripted install with ESXi though is fairly simple….