
VMworld Blogging Contests – on-site & afterwards

This year we're trying something new — a blogging contest. I know lots of people are blogging and tweeting about their VMworld experiences – I recommend checking out Planet V12n and also all the bloggers on this Bloggers and Twitterers List. But we thought it would be fun to raise the stakes a little and maybe even bring out a little friendly rivaly amongst our crowd of bloggers.

So, here's what we are going to do: I encourage everybody to jump in and have fun and get some bragging rights this year. (Also check out Rich Brambley's #vmworld3word game on Twitter for some fun that doesn't involve braggng rights.)

At the conference
: post a picture, video, or blog post on VMworld.com, OR link to a post from the VMworld.com contest thread. We'll look at everything posted and linked and announce winners on Thursday. The three winners will get a $50 iTunes card. The contest criterion is really an entry that embodies either the experience of being at VMworld this year, an entry that captures the spirit of our theme: "hello freedom" — or ideally an entry that encapsulates both.

After the conference: we'll look at everything posted about VMworld (I mean that pretty literally – I'm a bit obsessive about these things). We'll look at the total sum of blog posts, videos, pictures, etc. that people post at the show and after they get home. After looking at the totality of people's contributions, we'll give a $100 iTunes card to the person who has really put it out there — and we're looking for quality, but I assume quantity will also come in to play.

The complete description is here:
VMworld 2009 Blog, Photo and Video Contest.

Have fun! See you in the communities lounge.