
Join us: Intel-VMware supercharged live chat next Tuesday

The Intel® Xeon® Processor Live Expert Chat. Live 10.06.09

There's an interesting event that has been traveling under the radar until now, but it's a unique opportunity to interact with virtualization experts from both Intel and VMware, so pay attention to this blip on your screen.

What: the Intel Xeon Processor Live Chat
When: Tuesday, October 6, 10am-12noon PDT (-7 UTC)
Where: Intel's Open Port community site

Who will be there? This is where it really gets interesting. I'm still assembling the official biographies of the various attendees, but here's what I know about the attendees on the VMware side:

  • Scott Drummonds. Scott Drummonds is responsible for VMware’s
    technical marketing performance team which is tasked with
    application-based performance analysis and evangelization of VMware’s
    performance leadership.  Scott joined VMware from Intel Corporation,
    where he led Intel’s business applications desktop benchmarking group. 
    Scott received his bachelors of science from Auburn University in
    computer engineering and his masters of science from the University of
    Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in electrical engineering, focusing on
    digital test and diagnosis. Scott can be found on Twitter as @drummonds and on his new blog Pivot Point.

  • Michael Adams. Michael Adams is Senior Product Marketing Manager at
    VMware in the Server Business Unit. His role at VMware includes
    handling all aspects of product marketing for the company’s flagship
    offering known as VMware vSphere™. Prior to VMware, Mike worked at
    Symantec/Veritas for seven years as product marketing manager for the
    Veritas NetBackup product family and at Giga Information Group (now
    Forrester Research) as an open storage market analyst. Mike holds a
    bachelor's degree in political science from the University of Michigan. Mike is the editor of the vSphere Blog.

  • Ronald Kwan. Ronald Kwan is a Technical Alliance Manager at VMware supporting their strategic Storage and Server partners. Ronald has over 18 years of experience in the IT industry.  Prior to joining VMware, he was a Sr. Systems Engineer at StorageTek and Sun Microsystems architecting and designing infrastructure solutions.

  • Jeff Weiss. Jeff came to VMware in 2007, an 11 year veteran in Software and Hardware technical sales by working for companies like Symantec and Sun Microsytems. His specialties have included datacenter continuity and disaster recovery solutions, software infrastructure identity management as well as email security and archiving tools. Over the years, he has architected and sold complex business solutions into a wide array of both public and private accounts, from commercial to government, healthcare to education. Prior to working in sales, he was a networking and datacenter manager at Hughes Aircraft for 14 years.

  • Rupert Schultes. Rupert Schultes has been managing the Intel Alliance at VMware for the last 4 years. Prior to VMware he held several technical marketing, product management and alliance positions at Intel, ATI and Elsa AG in EMEA and Phoenix Technologies in the US.

Last year, Intel got hundreds of questions over this two hour chat, and they weren't even talking about virtualization! This is the first time they've invited a partner to come in and join them on these chats, so we hope we can help Intel provide an interesting and valuable resource for you. Come by this event and talk about anything related to Intel and VMware – performance, business value, technical questions — whatever's on your mind. There is no need to register in advance.