
Happy New Year

Just wanted to wish everybody a happy (and prosperous) new year in 2009. This year should bring a lot of interesting developments to the virtualization world.  (Last year sure seemed to be busy.)

It's been 3 years since I started gathering together blogs and technical resources about VMware and virtualization. That topic deserves its own post, but if you've been watching you've seen the virtualization discussion continue its exponential growth, both when looked at over the last year and over this last quarter in the blogs on Planet V12n and lately Twitter. (Feel free to follow me on Twitter as jtroyer; again, Twitter deserves its own post in the next week or two after everybody gets their engines revved back up after the holidays — it's been pretty quiet over the last two weeks.)

So welcome to 2009. If you're in the northern hemisphere, stay warm and/or dry. And to everybody, thanks for coming by and keep on virtualizing!