
Operating System Specific Packages for VMware Tools

We are pleased to announce the General Availability of Operating System Specific Packages (OSPs) for VMware Tools. Using OSPs, enterprise customers virtualizing Linux on VI will be able to install/update/manage their VMware Tools installations using the guest operating systems' native packaging format (rpm, deb etc) and update mechanisms (apt, yum, rug, etc).

More details including a list of supported ESX releases, guest operating systems, documentation and package repository are available from the OSP web page at http://www.vmware.com/download/packages.html (or just packages.vmware.com).

Operating System Specific Packages Home Page – VMware.

Welcome to the VMware Operating System Specific Packages (OSPs) website

this site, you will be able to search, browse and download VMware Tools
software packaged in the native package format (e.g. rpm, deb etc) for
select supported Operating Systems.

You will also be able to use your Operating System's native update
mechanisms to automatically download, install and manage VMware Tools
for these supported Operating Systems. …

See also Matthijs Haverink. How did Matthijs get the news? He, like 176 other clued-in individuals, is following jtroyer on Twitter. I announced this and the searchable HCL there first. Please feel free to c'mon by and join us on the back porch of the Internet.